Version 2.6.10

New Features

  • When a training portal has an event access code, you can now supply with the HTTP GET request for the login URL to the training portal, the password as a HTTP request query string parameter. This way you can share a URL which will automatically login a workshop user to the training portal.

  • When running the educates deploy-workshop command you can now supply the --open-browser option and when the training portal hosting the workshop is ready the browser will be automatically opened on the training portal and you will be logged in. You will still need to select the workshop to run it from the training portal web interface.

Features Changed

  • When deploying a workshop using the educates deploy-workshop command and a training portal instance is created as a side effect, or when explicitly creating a training portal instance using educates create-portal, the default for maximum number of concurrent workshop sessions is now 5 instead of the previous value of 1.

  • When deploying a workshop using the educates deploy-workshop command the capacity for the workshop is now by default not set, meaning how many concurrent workshop sessions you can create will be capped by what the maximum number of sessions is for the training portal instance the workshop is registered with.

  • When running educates browse-workshops to open the browser on the training portal, a URL will be used which will automatically log you into the training portal. The training portal credentials will only need to be supplied were the training portal URL was shared with another party and they were accessing the URL directly.

  • The educates request-workshop alias has been removed. This primarily existed for testing the training portal REST API and is not something that would be used regularly. You can still use the educates cluster workshop request function if you need this functionality.

Bugs Fixed

  • When using the educates cluster workshop request command to test the training portal REST API, when the workshop was exited you would be sent back to the training portal, where if you entered the training portal access code you would get stuck in a browser redirect loop. When returning back to the training portal, given that it was a unique anonymous session due to the use of the REST API, you will now be logged out to clear the cookie state for the session and required to login again.