Version 2.6.16

New Features

  • In special case where the workshop base image was being used to run services in a separate deployment from the workshop pod, using the default command for the image, it is now possible to set the SUPERVISOR_ONLY environment variable. This will have the affect of ensuring the gateway process which runs the workshop dashboard, and other processes such as the editor and console are not run, unless explicitly enabled by respective environment variables. Further, in this mode, if an error occurs in downloading files using vendir or when running setup scripts, the start script for the container will be exited, with the result that the pod will be restarted, instead of ignoring the errors and continuing on to running the process supervisor.

Features Changed

  • Examiner functionality was incorrectly enabled by default in the workshop base image. If a workshop had inadvertantly been making use of this it may now fail, in which case it should explicitly enable the examiner feature in the workshop defintion as was originally intended to be done.

  • If the Hugo renderer is being used, and there are no workshop instructions or an error occurs when rendering the instructions, a default page will be shown in the workshop instructions with a warning that an error occurred, rather than showing a HTTP page not found error.

Bugs Fixed

  • When an error occured rendering workshop instructions using the Hugo renderer, the details were not logged to the setup-scripts.log file accessible from inside of the workshop container, and were only visible by using kubectl log on the pod corresponding to the workshop container.